Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
One Valdosta-Lowndes is an economic development foundation dedicated to tackling challenging issues and bridging different community sectors to work toward common goals. OVL is guided by a five-year Strategic Plan to stimulate community and economic development in Valdosta and Lowndes County.
The Valdosta-Lowndes Chamber of Commerce serves as the voice of business for all of Lowndes County and the South Georgia Region, championing the needs of businesses and the economic vitality of the region. Programs and services are supported by membership and private investment-generating programs that support business growth.
One Valdosta-Lowndes is an independent, 501 (c) 3, nonprofit organization that complements the Chamber’s work by bringing the private, public, and nonprofit sectors together to address the significant opportunities and challenges to ongoing growth and economic prosperity of the area. OVL offers the community the ability to invest directly in its own long-term economic success. Governed by the OVL Foundation Board of Directors, investments are driven by the priorities of the “Synergy 2030” Plan and put directly back into the Lowndes County economy.
Everyone. The priorities written into OVL’s Synergy 2030 Plan emphasize a focus on the continued growth of the Lowndes County region and investment in our most important asset—our people. By concentrating on Civic Engagement & Leadership, Pathways to Prosperity, and a Vibrant & Safe Community, One Valdosta-Lowndes can singularly drive its efforts to ensure that the priorities of the business community and the needs of all residents are given a platform for both success and recognition.
We believe the initiatives of One Valdosta-Lowndes will create economic opportunity and the ability for enhanced talent attraction, retention, and development such that we can readily anticipate a new and vibrant economy for South Georgia. OVL’s success over five years will yield the expansion of existing businesses and industries, new entrepreneurial opportunities, and new business recruitment, resulting in new jobs, new capital investments, new and expanded payrolls, and the opportunity for additional tax revenues.
No. National research studies confirm that as many as 70% of new jobs in a community are created by existing businesses and industries. A key component of the One Valdosta-Lowndes Synergy 2030 Plan is to assist Lowndes County’s existing businesses in growing and prospering.
College and career academies serve a dual purpose: They allow students to advance their education and professional development beyond high school curricula and help fill state and local workforce needs by focusing on high-demand careers specific to the regional economy.
With 80% of today’s new jobs requiring career readiness—whether that be through technical education or a traditional, four-year institution, college and career academies (CCAs) offer Georgians access to employment and career readiness at earlier ages. Building a direct access point to the workforce pipeline, CCAs allow students the opportunity to earn both wage rates and college credits as early as the age of 15.
With some 26 counties in South Georgia whose students do not have access to this advanced employment training that aligns the workforce needs of the region with the academic offerings of K-12 institutions in the region, South Georgia and the Greater Valdosta area have a unique opportunity to establish an innovative and flexible learning environment that treats students like adults in preparing them for careers in healthcare, engineering, aerospace, biomedicine, technology, logistics, robotics, artificial intelligence, agriculture/ag technology, and other evolving vocations important to local employers.
Yes. Downtown Valdosta is a critical anchor destination for retail and dining within Lowndes County. OVL will be mindful of working with the City of Valdosta, Valdosta Main Street and the Valdosta Central Business District Authority to complement their efforts by convening and collaborating with public and private entities to address significant challenges to Downtown Valdosta’s progress, including crime, homelessness, traffic, and other public safety and welfare concerns.
OVL incorporates three tiers of accountability and transparency. First, OVL’s board provides a collective voice to guide and gauge the success of the organization monthly. Second, OVL partners and investors will receive quarterly progress updates on the state of plan initiatives. Third, Lowndes County citizens will be kept informed periodically through various channels including but not limited to social media, news outlets, and select events.
An investment in One Valdosta-Lowndes may be tax deductible as a trade/business or charitable expense. OVL is a 501 (C) (3) foundation. However, you should contact your tax professional for specific information and advice.